Patrick and I before parenthood :)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

First time for everything!

So, I thought why not make a blog. I seem to follow a couple of people's blogs. Why blog? Is it to get things off my chest. Do people really seem to care about what I have to say? I guess I will see depending on if I get any followers or not. I guess this is an area for venting and letting people know what is going on with me lately. Maybe I have the idea of blogging all wrong...if so hopefully, someone will let me know.

I have several frustrations:
1. Baby is sick and I don't know why...well more like I don't know what to do to make her feel better..though tomorrow we go to the doctors so maybe they can give me more advice besides saline drops.
2. The never ending problems with student loans....
3. Need to locate a site to start my internship so I can finish grad school, but I really don't want to go back to work...I want to stay home with Baby..though then I feel like my education was completely a waste of time..any thoughts? I have to say I don't want to completely be a stay at home mom..but, I feel right now she is constantly changing so I don't want to miss anything that she accomplishes.

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